A Lil About Me!

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ACE Certified Personal Trainer; NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist; CSEP Certified Personal Fitness & Lifestyle Advisor; MaddDogg Spinning Instructor; NCCP SwimCoach; NLSC Aquafit Instructor; Wellness & Weight-Loss Consultant.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Everybody Poops!

Crap, Merde, Schize, Poo, Sh*t, #2, Defecating, Egesting, Voiding Excrement, 'Dropping the Kids at the Pool", "Reading a Magazine", "Doing Personal Business" ... by any of its names, EVERYBODY POOPS!

Or at least... everybody NEEDS to!

You may be asking "Why? Why is it SO important?" Well... I'm going to keep this post nice and...erm "sweet" (*bad form, I know, sigh).  Essentially we need to remove excess and/or unused intake byproducts. That is to say, anything we EAT that isn't USED or absorbed, is removed via excretion (urination, perspiration, defecation).

Scientifically speaking "matter is neither created nor destroyed, but simply changed from one form to another" (Law of Conservation of Mass/Energy). As the Human body is not 100% efficient, and unable to reuse or reconfigure all of what is taken in, we must remove it via elimination.

Removal of the solid waste (aka: defecation, elimination, egestion) not only removes unused food waste, but is also the outlet for the metabolic waste products from other vital body functions. By removing the excess, it removes the majority of the harmful bacterium along with it - the reason poop stinks, rotting things & bacterium... why would you want to keep that in?! Waste materials are toxic & can poison the body if kept.  If you're not removing these toxins regularly (*MINIMUM twice weekly) the bacterium, supported by a warm, moist, dark environment can flourish, multiply and lead to sickness, infection, and other more serious internal diseases.

5 Ways to help you GO >

1) Avoid eating a surplus of Dairy products - dairy products tend to cause constipation (*unless of course you're lactose intolerant, but that's a different topic altogether)

2) Eat clean fats, Omega sources (*i.e. fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, olives & olive oil)

3) Eat fiber-dense foods (*i.e. whole grains, dark green veggies, add Psyllium to your diet)

4) Drink your daily water - Yes, water leads to urinary expellation, but it also helps to soften the feces (poop) so that it passes more easily.

5) Regulate - just like sleep, if you have a normal "time to go", your body will go more regularly


Bonus Tip :: Regular elimination is KEY to prevent abdominal bloat! i.e. "Pooping = Better Abs" :)

Now everyone, get to the Potty! Feel free to read this blog WHILE you go!

xo - Mia

1 comment:

  1. Figures I'd respond to the 'crap' post - but have to applaud you on covering this one.

    I've always found it fascinating how some folks don't eliminate regularly (and for me that means at LEAST once a day). Twice a week as a minimum, as you state above, sounds positively uncomfortable! lol. But in truth, there are quite a few folks out there who barely hit that mark.

    I think it's also important to note that eating a surplus of simple carbs (most specifically white flour/high sugar products - a real addiction here in the West) doesn't help to encourage the necessary peristaltic action of the intestines and colon. With a diet high in these fibre lacking foods, these muscles remain underused, causing serious constipation issues. I once knew someone who went to the loo once a month! She lived on pasta, rice, bread, crackers, cookies, and high sugar cereal... .

    Anyhoo - great post. Great blog! Keep it up Body Morphology! :)
