A Lil About Me!

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ACE Certified Personal Trainer; NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist; CSEP Certified Personal Fitness & Lifestyle Advisor; MaddDogg Spinning Instructor; NCCP SwimCoach; NLSC Aquafit Instructor; Wellness & Weight-Loss Consultant.

Sunday 24 July 2011

100 Calories - Save 'em OR Burn 'em!

10 ways to eat 100 calories less in your day
1. Put 1tsp of dijon mustard on a sandwich instead of 1TB of mayo
2. Order a your coffee a size smaller & "skinny" to save almost 150cals
3. Have a frozen fat-free Greek yogurt cup, instead of 1/2cup Fro-Yo
4. Order a cup of broth-based soup instead of bread w. butter
5. Substitute half Your starch with Dark greens (*more fibre, more vitamins, less calories)
6. Eat a side salad w/ half a package of dressing, instead of french fries
7. Buy pre-sliced low-fat cheeses & use 1 slice, instead of cutting from a brick
8. Order non-dairy sorbet instead of ice cream
9. Share dessert (*eat 1/3 slice of cheesecake & its 150cals instead of 450cals!)
10. Have 8oz water instead of 6oz of Juice (*or club soda w/lime instead of soda)

10 ways to burn 100 calories more in your day
1. 15min of incline walking on a treadmill at 3mph
2. Skip rope for 10-15mins (*depends how long you can skip continuously)
3. Do 5x10 PushUps (*with no more than 1min rest between sets) - knees are fine, take less rest!
4. Walk 8 flights of stairs (*each floor's flight = 13stairs)
5. 5 x 40 crunches (*with no more than 1min rest between sets)
6. Clean the house VIGOROUSLY for 35mins - scrub,scrub,scrub!
7. 4 x [30sec shadow boxing; 30sec jumping jacks; 30sec shadow boxing, 30sec high knee jog; 30sec rest]
8. Brisk walk outside for 30mins - take the dog, or the baby in a stroller!
9. Play (*or just do drills!) 10-15mins of football, soccer, basketball
10. Do this Circuit >
- 25 crunches
- 10-15 PushUps
- 15 right leg lunges, 15 left leg lunges
- 10 hip thrusters (*burpees w/out push-ups; squat down, hop out into plank position, hop feet in, pop up)
- 30 scissor legs
- 15-25 chair dips
- 25 chair squats
- 30 bicycle crunches
- 30 plank runs (mountain climbers)
- 30 jumping jacks
- 30 punches

1 comment:

  1. love it - this is what you call a bookmark post mama!!!
